



Do you enjoy managing budgets 和 financial planning?

If so, you may have a bright future as an accountant. 会计师所做的不仅仅是“处理数字”——他们帮助管理资金,并为个人和公司提供战略指导,指导他们如何做出明智的商业和财务决策.

Discover how you can prepare for a career as an accountant.


1. 了解会计的作用

的re are a variety of accounting jobs, from bookkeeper to CPA. 虽然有 不同类型, 所有会计师都使用分析和沟通技巧来组织财务信息,并利用这些数据提出建议. 他们也:

  • Maintain 和 inspect financial accounts
  • 财务表现报告
  • Underst和 the impact of financial laws 和 regulations
  • Prepare financial documents 和 check them for accuracy
  • Propose solutions to business challenges or concerns

成为一名会计所需的一些资格包括四年制大学学位和分析能力, 批判性思维, 沟通技巧.

在某些情况下, it is possible to get a job as an accountant without a degree; however, this is dependent upon factors such as your past experience, 经验长度, 雇主. Earning a degree can help you qualify best for the job you really want.


的 美国劳工统计局报告 到2030年,会计师的就业市场预计将增长7%.* 

This is generally tied to the health of the economy; as the economy grows, 越来越多的个人和企业依靠会计师的帮助来准备和检查财务记录.

会计s typically work in office settings, 包括公司办事处, 政府办公室, 或者私人办公室. Some accountants may work independently in their own consulting business, while others may work with a team of professionals.

Because of the services they provide for individuals 和 corporations, 会计师可以在美国甚至海外的城市工作.

会计 job requirements typically include a bachelor's degree, which generally takes four years to complete. A master’s degree may be completed in under two years. 然而,这取决于程序和学分转移的数量.

根据 劳工统计局 (BLS), accountants 和 auditors earn an aver年龄 salary of $90,780 每年($43.65 每小时).薪酬会因许多因素而有所不同, including the education you’ve earned, 实地经验, 工作的具体职责, 就业状况.

2. 获得会计学位

有许多教育途径 to an accounting career. 许多人以文凭或副学士学位开始他们的会计职业道路, which allows them to gain work experience. 的y then continue on for their bachelor or master’s degree, which can help them obtain higher-paying or more challenging jobs.

类开始 7月8日


3. 得到认证

的re are a number of accounting certifications to consider, 和 requirements for licensure will vary by state 和 employer. 在获得第一份会计入门级工作之前,你可能不需要获得认证, 但是,获得认证将有助于你的简历在下一个大职位空缺中脱颖而出.


  • Fundamental Payroll 认证 (FPC) from the American Payroll Association. This certification is designed for entry-level payroll professionals. 获得会计方面的文凭或副学士学位,你就会为这次考试做好充分的准备.
  • Certified Man年龄ment 会计 (CMA) from the Institute of Man年龄ment 会计s. To 成为合格的, 你需要拥有学士学位,并且在财务管理或管理会计方面有连续两年的经验.
  • 注册会计师(CPA) from the American Institute of Certified Public 会计s (AICPA). 和CMA认证一样,注册会计师认证要求的不仅仅是获得学士学位. 你需要额外的教育和专业经验——确切的价值因州和司法管辖区而异.1

软件下载的目标是帮助你发现一个有益的和充实的会计职业道路. 获得认证是一个很好的方法,可以更好地胜任你能找到的最好的工作.

4. 推进你的会计事业

一旦你获得了学位或文凭, gain some working experience 和 become certified, you’ll be well-equipped to excel in your new accounting career. 继续积累经验, 推进你的教育, get better at what you do 和 position yourself best to climb the ladder.

If you are interested in analyzing numbers, 金融公式, 和 helping individuals or organizations make wise financial decisions, an accounting career may be a great fit! 有许多教育途径, from diploma to bachelor’s degree 和 beyond, so you can choose the best option to help you achieve your career goals. 你会选择哪条路?

Learn more about Herzing's accounting programs


1. 在大多数州/司法管辖区,Herzing大学的会计学士学位课程不满足毕业生参加注册会计师(CPA)考试或申请注册会计师执照的所有要求. 大多数州/司法管辖区要求学士学位以外的特定学习量(通常是学士学位), 总共150个学期学分, 但这因司法管辖区而异)以及在会计领域工作多年的专业经验才有资格申请执照. 一些州(包括, 但不一定限于, 德克萨斯州)要求该幸运28计划对毕业生申请注册会计师执照有特定的幸运28计划认证, which this program does not have at this time, 对于何时或是否将获得此类认证,没有作出任何表示. 有兴趣成为注册会计师的申请人应该在注册任何会计课程之前与他们的州会计委员会检查注册会计师资格要求. 计划参加注册会计师考试以外的认证的学生也应该联系相应的认证组织,在参加任何会计课程之前确认认证要求.

* 劳工统计局 (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.




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