


面试是招聘过程中最重要的部分. Here are a few smart approaches to answer some common 面试问题.

面试是招聘过程中最重要的部分. An 面试 helps the employer evaluate each job c和idate 和 also allows the applicant to communicate why he/she is the best fit for the role. 大多数雇主会使用几种常见的变体 面试问题 都是为工作量身定做的. While it is impossible to predict which questions the 面试er will ask, 作为被面试者,做好准备总是最好的做法. Here are a few smart approaches to answer some common 面试问题.


This is often the first question in an 面试 和 an opportunity for you to set yourself apart from the other c和idates. You should focus on your accomplishments, your previous experience, your 目标 以及如何为公司带来价值.


This can be a difficult question because it is not always easy to identify our own strengths. 考虑一下你以前的工作经历或学生时期的经历. 你在哪些方面做得好? 哪些任务是你最成功的? 列出3-5个优点 支持每一种力量 举一些与你的成就相关的例子. 例如, 如果你认为你的优势之一是灵活性, follow up with an example of how you demonstrated flexibility at work or in school.


认识到自己的弱点是很重要的, but it is equally important not to dwell on them extensively during the 面试. 反思一两个你可能需要改进的地方, but also tell the 面试er how you are working to overcome those 弱点. 例如, 如果你缺乏使用Excel或Word的经验, follow up with an explanation of how you are working with the software to become more proficient.


Always give a positive response, even if your reasons for leaving may not be positive. 你可能会说, “我觉得是时候接受新的挑战了,或者“我想追求新的机会。.” A forward-focused response will help you avoid burning any bridges 和 will make a good impression on the 面试er.


Explain the instances where you have thrived under pressure 和 achieved better results. 举出一些例子来说明你是如何 沟通技巧 minimized the stressful aspects of working under pressure, resulting in a successful project.


你应该带着一些短期的职业目标去面试. 专注于目标,比如与公司一起成长和发展, maximizing your skill sets 和 being a part of a highly productive team.


You want to show the 面试er that you can approach criticism as an opportunity to learn. 你可能会说 that you never take criticism personally 和 offer one or two examples of how you h和led criticism with an eye on growth 和 development.


在工作中与他人合作是一种宝贵的品质. You could highlight to the 面试er that you can get along with all kinds of co-workers, 和 put emphasis on your flexibility 和 your willingness to adjust to other working styles. This presents you as a team player who is willing to take ownership of your working relationships.


Avoid listing overly specific qualities, as this could potentially limit you. 相反,考虑一下你如何最好地工作和学习. 列出a的几个属性 好的领导者例如能干、公平和鼓励.


专注于你能为公司带来什么. Bring your strengths back into the discussion 和 do not forget to re-establish how your experience has prepared you for the role in question. You want to show the employer how you can bring value to the organization 和 why you are the best c和idate for the position.


总是,总是有问题等着面试官回答. Do your research before the 面试 so that you can ask thoughtful questions about the company. 你也可以问一些关于这个职位的问题, 如, 你认为这个职位的首要目标是什么?” or “What are your expectations for this position in the first six months?不要问关于工资和福利的问题. 这些问题是有时间和地点的, typically in the final st年龄s of the hiring process or when the job offer is made.

These sample questions can be used as a guide to help you prepare for your 面试. 考虑每个问题, formulate a thoughtful answer 和 practice your answer so that you feel confident 和 comfortable on the day of the 面试. 虽然这个列表并不详尽, 这会帮助你建立自己的优势, 弱点, 成就和目标是任何面试中的关键话题. 遵循提供的提示, you will increase your likelihood of impressing the hiring man年龄r 和 walking away with a job offer.

杰克Mc呼叫um has been with the online business department at Herzing大学 since 2011. 不教学的时候, she serves as the President/Principal Consultant for HR Balance LLC—a consulting company specializing in human resources man年龄ment, 组织发展, 领导力培训, 和培训/发展. She started HR Balance LLC in 2003 after years of serving in a leadership capacity for a variety of for-profit 和 non-profit organizations. A keynote speaker 和 presenter, Jack has served as an industry expert for radio 和 print media.

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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