

Lead from the Front Lines -医疗管理理学硕士

你有领导和管理的梦想吗, 但你还是想亲自动手, “in the trenches” feeling that comes with a traditional health professional career?

你有领导和管理的梦想吗, 但你还是想亲自动手, “in the trenches” feeling that comes with a traditional health professional career? 作为一名医疗保健管理员, you can work as a leader behind the scenes with other healthcare staff to help ensure patients receive the best possible treatment.

根据 劳工统计局, the employment of medical 和 health services man年龄rs is expected to increase by 32% from 2020 to 2030. For those looking to transition from clinical work into a high-dem和 man年龄ment position, Herzing大学 医疗管理理学硕士 (MSHA)计划可能是完美的选择!

Discover whether this career path is the one you’ve been looking for:


A 理学硕士 in Health 政府 (MSHA) degree program focuses on leadership 和 man年龄ment training in facilities 和 businesses within the healthcare sector. 学生将学习create healthcare organizational cultural 和 care delivery models that incorporate diversity, 股本, 和包容. MSHA students dedicate their time to studying the healthcare system 和 related healthcare policy — far more than you would get in a typical 工商管理硕士 program. 除了, students will receive a 竣工证书 in 医疗保健 Quality Principles from the 全国医疗保健质量协会.


If you’re a health professional ready to advance to an MSHA program, you’re already a prime c和idate for what Herzing students experience — a clear, 在你的职业生涯中,专注于前进的道路. Your MSHA degree can open up many doors to the career of your dreams.

你可以成为一名医院管理人员, 医疗管理, 群执业管理员, 研究设施经理或任何 领导职位的多样性. MSHA学位也为你提供了更多的选择 在哪里 you could work as these highly sought-after individuals are found in hospitals 和 clinics as well as more specialized locations like nursing homes, 精神健康和成瘾治疗中心, 和实验室.


的 best MSHA c和idates are those ready to lead in the healthcare field. You’ll want to make sure you underst和 幸运28计划管理, 是一个强有力的沟通者和有效的倾听者. 的 MSHA is perfect if you are a “people person” willing to make hard decisions, can explain 和 defend healthcare policies to a wide variety of stakeholders, 能传达专业精神, 将职责委派给一个团队, 和 thrive in a fast-paced business 在哪里 change can happen every day.


P.R.I.C.E. 成功模式 is one of Herzing大学 core values 和 is designed not only for students but for professionals from every walk of life. P.R.I.C.E代表专业性, 尊重, 完整性, Caring 和 Eng年龄ment — five key qualities are meant to help guide you to becoming a leader in your community. 在你攻读MSHA学位的时候, 你将通过课程学习培养领导能力, conversation 和 everyday life to hit the ground running when you graduate.

Our flexible course model 和 elite faculty will help you:

  • Go back to school online in the Herzing Every在哪里 Classroom — 按照你的时间表,按照你的节奏
  • Focus on relevant class topics including healthcare ethics, 信息技术(IT)管理和评估, 组织管理, 业务评估和改进, 幸运28计划管理, 公共政策, 合规, 还有更多
  • Continue to advance your education in a postgraduate certificate program with several concentration options

Earn the education needed to take your healthcare career to the next level. With Herzing大学 as your lifelong partner in learning, your career success IS possible.

Learn More 关于 Our 理学硕士 in 医疗保健 Amdinistration


*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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