

我在哪里可以找到大学助学金? 第一部分-奖学金!

Let’s face it, financing your college education can be stressful. 幸运的是, students have a lot of options to finance their education both through their school 和 with external sources.

Let’s face it, financing your college education can be stressful. 幸运的是, students have a lot of options to finance their education both through their school 和 with external sources.



奖学金 are free money that can be applied towards your college costs. While you may be automatically eligible for certain scholarships through school based on academic performance or experience, 通常你必须申请奖学金. However, you may also be eligible for scholarships based on anything unique to you, including:

  1. 个人或学术成就
  2. 爱好
  3. 俱乐部/组织
  4. 宗教组织
  5. 你的雇主
  6. 和更多的!

When searching for scholarships it is important to think of location, 职业及协会.


位置,位置,位置. You may have heard this mantra before, but have you ever thought about it regarding financial aid? 位置指的是你所在的特定地理区域, 但是对于这看起来像什么并没有硬性规定. 你的地理位置可以和你居住的州一样广泛, 或者像你所在的社区和学校一样狭窄.

Many states offer grants, scholarships 和 other financial aid opportunities for residents. Eligibility for state financial aid is usually restricted to residents attending college within the state, 但情况并非总是如此. 你可以通过 National 协会 of Student 金融援助 政府 (NASFAA) or review state 和 local government sites for additional opportunities. There are usually deadlines associated with these funds so be sure to look into them early!


你最热衷的是什么? 你在上学的时候是否有一个特定的职业规划?

Many schools offer scholarships for students in specific degree programs. 例如,Herzing大学提供了一个  财务承诺奖学金 for students who are interested in certain academic programs. Degrees like 护理 or 业务 may qualify you for specific scholarships through outside companies or job placement sites. There are even more specific scholarships that schools may offer.

Did you know Herzing offers tuition discounts for military 和 employer affiliations? 你以前的工作, experience 和 passions can help qualify you for financial aid 和/or scholarships.


In addition to what you know, whom you know is also important. 你和社区里的某个团体有联系吗? 许多社区组织都喜欢教堂, 旋转, American Legion 和 other groups may offer scholarship or grant opportunities for members or other residents attending college. There is usually an application process associated with these financial aid opportunities that could include requirements for essays, 社区工作或以前的经验.

These scholarships can be a great option to help supplement other types of financial aid to pay for school. You should reach out or research options in your groups to see if there are any opportunities available for you.

记住你的位置, 职业及协会, you should be able to locate unique scholarship opportunities that are specific to your situation.

While looking for these financial aid opportunities may seem like a lot of work upfront, 从长远来看,它最终可以为你节省很多! To put it plainly, many scholarships go unpaid due to not receiving any applicants. If you can find a way to help finance your education, it can save you a lot of stress 和 money!


虽然有很多奖学金可以提供给学生, 他们并不是学生们唯一的机会. 其他类型的经济援助 available to you include grants 和 loans. Watch for the next blog in this series to learn more about these options!


If you are still concerned about what funding your college education could look like, don’t worry. In addition to providing you with an admissions advisor, Herzing大学 provides you with a 财政援助顾问 在整个学习过程中,谁会一对一地指导你!

你想了解更多吗? 阅读更多在第2部分-助学金和贷款



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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