


Our 职业发展 team has some tips to help 工商管理硕士 grads l和 the right job.

现在是进入职场的好时机 工商管理硕士. 今天, employers are looking for c和idates who not only have experience but the transformative leadership, man年龄ment 和 problem-solving skills they need to become future leaders 和 executives.

管理学研究生入学委员会 found that more companies are hiring 工商管理硕士 grads than in previous years. 事实上,86%的雇主都在招聘 工商管理硕士毕业生 in 2017, including nearly all Fortune 100 和 Fortune 500 companies.

So, now that you have that extra degree, it’s time to find the right job. 软件下载问软件下载的 职业发展 为工商管理硕士毕业生找到合适的工作提供一些建议. 以下是他们的回答:

1. 让你的简历引人注目

你已经很努力了 推进你的教育, so make sure that you’re also putting in the extra effort to differentiate yourself from other c和idates who may be 应用 同样的角色. Don’t expect the “工商管理硕士” in your title to do all the hard work for you. Your 重新开始 should demonstrate the added value you can bring to a particular company or role, 不要只是重复你的成就.

2. 知道如何推销自己

职位描述是你最好的朋友. Make sure your experience aligns with everything that is being sought after. Too often we get hung up on how awesome we feel our accomplishments are, forgetting that sometimes our experience doesn’t translate well outside of our industry or employer.

如果你找到了一个很适合你的职位, make sure to align each of your skills 和 accomplishments with the employer’s values 和 needs. Break down the skills you learned in your 工商管理硕士 program to showcase your talents 和 the depth of your experience. Go through your courses or the program outline to think about what you learned there 和 how you can represent it well in an 面试 或者在你的简历上. Write in a voice that is quantitative, specific 和 concise.

3. 建立你的关系网

让你的 网络 要知道你很有才华,受过良好的教育,并且准备好了跳槽. 有段时间没更新你的 LinkedIn? Get connected with your previous 和 current man年龄rs, as well as your professors 和 instructors. 上传你的新简历,并开始填充你的个人资料.

你还应该考虑 发布内容, sharing updates 和 engaging with your connections regularly. 为增加可见性,您可以自定义您的 LinkedIn的URL 加上你的名字和/或学位头衔, which makes it easier for your professional peers to find you online. 想了解更多领英技巧,请看这个 博客.

4. 给简历贴上标签

This one sounds simple, but even the smallest details can make a big difference in your 找工作 成功:给自己贴上标签 重新开始 with your full name, your title 和 the position you are 应用 for.

例如: Sharon Rosin 工商管理硕士人力资源简历.医生

为什么这很重要?? Because having your name – 和 your new credentials—in the title of your 重新开始 医生ument is one of the ways recruiters 和 sourcing specialists find qualified c和idates. Don’t run the risk of letting your 重新开始 get buried in someone’s inbox. 让别人很容易找到你.

5. 充分利用你的资源

It’s important to be continually working on your post-graduate 职业生涯 options. 你是否想要提升你的 职业生涯 要么留在现在的公司,要么跳槽, you should be 网络ing 和 contemplating your options before you really need to. If you plan ahead, you could be in a new role before you graduate with your new degree.

Working with the 职业生涯 development team at your university can help you learn about opportunities you might not have found otherwise. 参与到你的 校友网络 from your undergrad institution, attend 职业生涯 events 和 work with your 职业生涯 advisors. 有这么多资源可供你支配, it’s easier than ever to find out about 和 position yourself for the roles you really want.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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