

The Juggling Act: How to Balance Being a Parent 和 Going to School

Here are seven ways you can become a successful student while juggling the extraordinary job of parenthood

所以,你已经做出了重要的决定 继续你的教育. 你很兴奋终于成为一名大学生了. The thought of graduating gives you butterflies 和 you dream of the day you see your diploma perfectly framed 和 mounted on the wall.


“妈妈! 我的另一只鞋在哪里?“还有十分钟就要开学了, 如果你现在不上车的话, 本周你将第二次迟到. 没有发生,就是没有发生! 欢迎来到父母生活中的一天,他们也是 大学生.

My name is Stella 和 I have three children, 年龄s 10, 8 和 7. They are my sunshine, my rock 和 what I wake up for each day. At times, (ahem…finals week), being a mother doubling as a 大学生 can be trying. 让软件下载面对现实吧——这真的很难. 然而, 隧道的尽头是光明的, 和 I know this journey will be worth the sacrifices I make.

Here are seven ways you can become a successful student while juggling the extraordinary job of parenthood:

1. 记住你为什么开始上学

是为了改善你的生活还是你孩子的生活? 你是否有需要认证的激情? Whatever “it” is, draw on that inspiration when you feel discour年龄d. 我是一个 商科专业 at Herzing大学 和 my personal reason for pursuing my degree is to become independent 和 take care of my family. I want to be able to help others the way they have helped me in my time of need.

2. 养成良好的 时间管理

每天留点时间上学. 这是成功的关键. You’ll find it’s easier to complete large projects if you can break them up into smaller tasks over the course of the week. If you find yourself getting burnt out, try taking Mondays off 和 getting back at it on Tuesday. It’s okay to take a break to recharge – just make sure you get back on schedule.

3. 列个清单

我建议把你的作业记在流水账上, 无论是在笔记本上, 在手机上, 或者写在便利贴上. Each time you complete an assignment, cross that item off your to-do list. I write down every task to be completed at the beginning of each week 和 use my list as a 指南 完成所有的工作. Life gets busy, so it’s a good idea to have my list as a reminder. 没有它我就会不知所措!

4. 提前计划

 如果你有 讨论后 due on Wednesday, try to get a jump start on it so you can cross it off your list by Tuesday. I like to tell myself that all my assignments are due on Saturday night. 别误会,我星期天也要上班, 但一般来说, 我选择较小的任务, 比如同伴的回应或者 测试. 我从不等到星期天才完成所有的工作. 根据我的经验, 拖延 on large assignments creates a lot of stress 和 does not allow you to do your best work.

5. 与你的导师沟通

你的导师是你成功的关键. Let them know if you are having problems with an assignment or if you have questions about the material. They are glad to answer any questions 和 provide you with the 你需要的支持. They are there to help you succeed, but you must allow them to help.

6. 在你需要帮助的时候寻求帮助

利用这些工具和 学术资源 Herzing必须提供. 例如,使用辅导和 写作中心 来帮助你的课程,肖利来帮助你 寻找完美的奖学金. Do not wait until you are falling behind in a course to ask for help.

7. 不要在睡眠上吝啬

创建一个 一致的例程 that allows you to get the right amount of sleep each night. 没有睡眠,软件下载的身体就不能正常工作. 软件下载有延迟反应, shorter concentration spans 和 cannot absorb as much information as we can when we are well-rested. 睡眠过多也会产生问题. 它是关于 找到适当的平衡 和 developing a routine that helps you strike that balance.

I hope these suggestions will help other parents out there. Remember that you have people cheering you on every step of the way. Those little eyes looking up at you will grow to admire the determination 和 effort you are putting into making their lives better.




*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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