


After a few tutoring sessions, I realized that there are a lot of valuable reasons to seek tutoring.

Math made me feel like a student who had just moved to a new country 和 barely understood the langu年龄. 过了一会儿,我筋疲力尽地挣扎在我的 数学课程. I knew that I was going to need a little extra help if I wanted to receive a passing grade. So, I reluctantly scheduled a time to meet with a mathematics tutor at Herzing.

我没精打采地走进去,坐在她旁边. 最后,我紧张的目光碰到了她. “你到底在挣扎什么??她真诚地问道。. 有点尴尬, I told her how much I loathe numbers 和 how I struggle to make sense of complicated formulas 和 equations. 她明白, 和 we began to work through some of the assignments 和 concepts that were giving me the most trouble.

During the coaching session, I realized I was actually pretty good at math. I merely lacked confidence 和 I had neglected to dedicate the necessary time to 我的学习 还有我的数学作业. Perhaps I had underestimated the amount of time 和 discipline needed to be a math elite, I thought. After a few tutoring sessions, I realized that there are a lot of valuable reasons to seek tutoring.

1. 更高层次的理解

Instructors begin with a knowledge assessment to gauge your level of underst和ing. Once you 和 your tutor identify the gaps in your knowledge, they can 设定可管理的目标 和 objectives for each session to help you achieve a higher level of academic 成功.

“One of the strategies that I use when I’m tutoring is to try to simplify the issue for the student,博士说。. 埃里克J. Harmon of Herzing大学’s Tutoring 和 Writing Center (TWC).

“I know I was feeling overwhelmed when I started my undergrad, 一切似乎都比实际困难, 所以我一直在思考这个问题.”

“I then strive to give my students the tools they need in order to be knowledgeable 和 independent, so I look for tutorials regarding their specific challenges so they can further educate themselves.”

2. 更多个人会话

在一对一的辅导课程中,学生得到 空间 他们需要问更多的问题. They might be more comfortable talking about their concerns 和 academic struggles away from classroom distractions 和 the eyes 和 ears of their peers.

导师, 反过来, can ask more challenging 和 specific questions to help students better underst和 the material. 他们也可以给出详细的 反馈 和 help students overcome barriers in their underst和ing – something that instructors cannot always take the time to do when they are teaching a class full of students.

“I always review the information with the student after the session to ensure we are on the same page. 有时, what I think they might have an issue with 和 what the actual issue is are two different things. 所以,重述这些问题是很重要的,”哈蒙说. “终于, I follow up with the students to check their status to see if they are still experiencing issues.”

3. 与专业人士的长期关系

导师也可以成为长期的导师或朋友. 这是个不错的职业选择 建立关系网并建立关系 与专业人士和专家在你的领域. 这种接触可能会带来未来的机会, 以及更多的资源和关系. 也, 如果你问你的导师, they may show you valuable research strategies used by professionals so that you can access powerful information on your own.

The last time I consulted an academic tutor was around three months ago; I am a technology student 和 I constantly seek wise counsel in all things tech. 因此,我与许多人建立了良好的关系 学术的教练 和 tutors, 和 some have grown to what I might even consider friendships.

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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